
Attorney General Chris KosterChris Koster
Former Missouri Attorney General
Lawsuit Against Republic Services
“Republic Services does not have this site under control. Not only does the (Bridgeton) landfill emit a foul odor, it appears that it has poisoned its neighbors’ groundwater and vegetation. The people of Missouri can’t afford to wait any longer — Republic needs to get this site cleaned up.”
Document Congressional Letter Regarding FUSRAP and Supporting Documents, 02/09/2016

Senator Roy BluntRoy Blunt
U.S. Senator
Senate Bill No. S.2306
“The EPA’s unacceptable delay in implementing a solution for the West Lake landfill has destroyed its credibility and it is time to change course. The Corps has the knowledge, experience, and confidence of the families living near the site. Transferring clean up efforts to its control will help move the process forward and finally give these families the peace of mind they deserve. No parent should have to raise their child in an environment where they fear for their health and safety.”

Claire McCaskill

Claire McCaskill
U.S. Senator
Senate Bill No. S.2306
“The needs of this community are our top concern. We’ve heard loud and clear that they want the West Lake site transferred to the Army Corps of Engineers’ program that oversees all other sites in St. Louis containing this World War II era nuclear waste. This legislation is not a silver bullet, and will take far longer than we’d like to resolve the many issues surrounding this site, but this is a concrete, positive step forward in a process that’s been stagnant for far too long.”

Just Moms STL and friends visit Senator Roy Blunt and Senator Claire McCaskill in Washington DC (Feb 2016)
Just Moms STL and friends visit Senator Roy Blunt and Senator Claire McCaskill during their trip to Washington DC on February 8-10, 2016.

Rep Lacy ClayWm. Lacy Clay
Member of Congress
Congress Bill H.R.4100
“I am totally committed to removing all the nuclear waste from West Lake landfill. It just makes no sense to allow radioactive waste to remain buried in an unlined landfill, near residential neighborhoods, schools, a hospital, the airport and the Missouri River. It’s time to clean up West Lake landfill.”

Congressman Clay Meets JustMomsSTL
Washington DC – February 10, 2016. “Very frank living room discussion with Congressman Lacy Clay about our nuclear legacy in STL!” Dawn Chapman

Rep Ann WagnerAnn Wagner
Member of Congress
Congress Bill H.R.4100
“My constituents in the St. Louis region deserve a government where officials work proactively on their behalf, rather than kicking the can down the road with recurring delays and deflections. The Formerly Utilized Site Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers have an excellent track record, broad support in the community and the expertise to handle a site as complicated as the Westlake Landfill. I believe that this legislation is a crucial step in our efforts to reach a permanent solution‎ for the people of Missouri.”

Just Moms STL and friends visit Congresswoman Ann Wagner during their trip to Washington DC on February 8-10, 2016.

412292-100pxBlaine Luetkemeyer
Member of Congress
Congress Bill H.R. 4100
Date Co-Sponsored:  12/08/2015

Just Moms STL and friends visit Congressman Blaine Luetkemeyer during their trip to Washington DC on February 8-10, 2016.
Just Moms STL and friends visit Congressman Blaine Luetkemeyer during their trip to Washington DC on February 8-10, 2016.

Rep Bill OttoBill Otto
Former Missouri Representative
“Now more than ever the State needs to take control of the decisions at the landfill. The experts presented by Attorney General Koster are dealing with the facts on the ground, and it’s now time to act on those facts to bring safety to this community.”
YouTube  Vexed Reactions to Republic Services’ Handling of West Lake Landfill

Rep Keith EnglishKeith English
Missouri Representative
Sponsored Missouri House Bill HCR 18:
“Requests the United States Congress to transfer authority for the remediation of the West Lake Landfill radioactive wastes from the EPA to the Corps of Engineers’ Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program.”

MariaChappelleNadalMaria Chappelle-Nadal
Missouri State Senator
Sponsored Senate Bill SB 600
“Is there another state senator in America that has to wear a gas mask in two locations w/in a senate district for two separate reasons?”
VideoSt. Louis Public Radio 90.7 KWMU – Breaking it down: Renewed concerns over radiation at Bridgeton landfills [at 25:18 min]

Matt LavanchyMatt LaVanchy
Assistant Chief Pattonville Fire Protection District
“This is something that has cost me a lost of sleep, not just because it’s in my backyard but there’s a lot of innocent people in this area,” he added. “If that fire ever gets to that radioactive material, which I’m not saying is going to happen, but there’s a potential there for something very tragic to happen in this area.”

City of Bridgeton
Mayor Terry Briggs
DocumentA Message from Mayor Briggs – The Landfill Issue:  Who to Believe
Other than the Resolution below (from the previous Mayor Conrad Bowers and City Council), the city has remained relatively quiet on the issue with its citizens.
Resolution No. R-06-10:
“A Resolution of the mayor and city council of the city of Bridgeton, Missouri, asking the EPA to recommend the removal of North County Radioactive Wastes in the West Lake Landfill site.”

City of BlackjackCity of Black Jack
Mayor Norman McCourt and Council
Resolution No. 130501:
A Resolution of the mayor and city council of the city of Black Jack, Missouri, requesting the EPA to recommend the removal of North County Radioactive Wastes.”

City of FlorissantCity of Florissant
Mayor Thomas Schneider and City Council
Resolution No. 969:
“A Resolution of the Mayor and the City Council, Florissant Missouri requesting the United States Congress to transfer the authority for the remediation of the West Lake Landfill from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to the Army Corps of Engineers’ FUSRAP.”

City of HazelwoodCity of Hazelwood
Mayor Matthew Robinson and City Council
Resolution No. 1402:
“A Resolution requesting the transfer of jurisdiction of the West Lake Landfill to the United States Army Corps of Engineers’ Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP).

City of Maryland Heights
Mayor Michael Moeller and City Council
Resolution No. 2014-1134:
“WHEREAS, transferring the jurisdiction oversight of the West Lake Landfill to FUSRAP will allow the agency with significant experience in this area to assess the site, provide action plans for the containment or remediation, and long-term manage of the site.”

City of St. LouisCity of St. Louis
Board of Aldermen
Resolution No. 10:
“Now therefore be it resolved by the Board of Aldermen of the City of St. Louis that we request that Congress transfer jurisidiction over the cleanup of West Lake radioactive waste (Operable Unit One) from the EPA Superfund Program to the Corps of Engineers’ FUSRAP and that those waste be excavated and shipped to a licensed radioactive waste disposal site.  Furthermore, the Board of Aldermen of the City of St. Louis urges all those involved in the cleanup of the West Lake radioactive wastes to ensure that these wastes no longer migrate into the human environment, to the detriment of today’s and future generations.”

St. Louis County, MissouriSt. Louis County Council
County Executive Charlie Dooley and Council
Resolution No. 5855:
“County Council Resolution introduced by Council Member Stenger, supporting the transfer of jurisdiction of the West Lake Landfill site to the United States Army Corps of Engineers’ Formerly Utilized Remedial Action Program.”

Mark HarderMark Harder
Council Member, District 7
Resolution No. 6066
“The County Council expresses the gratitude of the people of St. Louis County to Senators Claire McCaskill and Roy Blunt, and to Congress Members Ann Wagner and Lacy Clay, for their support and help – their tireless and continuing efforts toward this cause have generated a total team effort by our Missouri Members of Congress and Senators. The County Council further expresses its hopes that Congress will consider and enact legislation to provide federal funds to St. Louis County for the costs incurred in its attempt to ameliorate the West Lake problem.”

St. Louis County Department of HealthSt. Louis County Health Department
Bridgeton-West Lake Landfill Health Survey
“In response to community concerns about possible health issues related to the Bridgeton-West Lake Landfill, the St. Louis County Department of Public Health (DPH) will be conducting a health survey to assess respiratory health issues of St. Louis County residents to identify health needs that can be addressed.”

St. Charles CountySt. Charles County
County Executive Steve Ehlmann and Council
Resolution No. 13-17/14-04:
“calls for the Army Corp, FUSRAP, program to take responsibility of this site because of their more extensive background in dealing with nuclear waste and to call for Congress to fund this project.”

North County Inc.North County Incorporated
Rebecca Zoll, President/CEO
“We believe that FUSRAP would be able to determine the safest and most appropriate containment measures for the radioactive materials found within the West Lake Landfill and then subsequently manage containment appropriately and in the best interest of the residents and the business community.”

Pattonville School DistrictPattonville School District
Mike Fulton, Superintendent
“We remain frustrated by the situation at the Landfill,  This impacts not only our community, but the entire St. Louis region.”