Photos of work in the landfill’s storm water basin from on-site visit to Bridgeton Landfill Dec. 19, 2013
Dec. 30, 2013 — Bridgeton Landfill notified the department today that over the weekend and early Monday morning two sumps malfunctioned allowing odors to be released. |
Dec. 23, 2013 — Bridgeton Landfill reported that work continued this weekend, as weather permitted, on cleaning up the leachate spill that occurred on Dec. 12. Bridgeton Landfill staff anticipate that the clean-up will be completed on December 26, weather dependent. A sump was repaired on Saturday when it was noticed to be causing odors. Work on the leachate pre-treatment facility is planned to continue on Dec. 26th with other work resuming after the first of the year. |
Dec. 19, 2013 — Bridgeton Landfill staff met with the department, fire department and county officials to discuss work completed in Dec. and plans for the coming month. Bridgeton staff also provided details on the recent leachate release and ongoing clean-up activities. Bridgeton staff noted enhancements to the flare yard are nearing completion. Heavy construction work related to drilling of additional gas extraction wells and capping of the remainder of the North Quarry will not restart until Feb. 15, weather permitting. Work on the four 1-million gallon tanks, a part of the new leachate pre-treatment system, will restart on Jan. 6, weather permitting. |
Dec. 18, 2013 – Bridgeton Landfill work crews continue to work on a clean-up of a leachate spill that occurred last week. Heavy construction work related to installation of additional gas extraction wells (8 remaining to be drilled) and EVOH capping material on the North Quarry has stopped as a result of the inclement weather and is planned to restart in mid-February 2014, weather dependent. Work continues on the new leachate conveyance line and on the leachate pre-treatment facility including the four 1-million gallon leachate tanks. |
Potential Odor Alert — Dec. 12, 2013 — Bridgeton Landfill advised the department a pump malfunction due to recent freezing temperatures resulted in a leachate release earlier today. Bridgeton Landfil staff identified and is now in the process of cleaning-up the leachate release. During the clean-up process, there exists the potential for some odors off-site. |
Dec. 26, 2013 — Air Monitoring Results — Air monitoring activities continue as the department collects data via our AreaRAE system on a 24 hour per day/7 day per week basis. Daily monitoring events by the department continue to be completed twice per day on a scheduled path.
Please visit the MO-DNR site to access the newest reports.