More Radioactive Waste Found at Bridgeton Landfill – St. Louis Post Dispatch Article by Margaret Gillerman


FLORISSANT • Additional radioactive material has been discovered at a Bridgeton landfill, according to Florissant City Engineer Tim Barrett.

In a letter to Florissant Mayor Thomas Schneider, who had requested an update, Barrett said that he spoke with someone from the state Department of Natural Resources on Monday afternoon about the additional radioactive waste at the West Lake Landfill. He said a report was expected to be released by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency later this week on the new findings.

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Author: Moms

1 thought on “More Radioactive Waste Found at Bridgeton Landfill – St. Louis Post Dispatch Article by Margaret Gillerman

  1. West Lake is proving to be more nightmarish as time goes on. It sounds as if the landfill has been a burial site for many things which would negatively impact human habitation, wild life, and the integrity of our water sources, our precious rivers and streams.

    The radioactive waste must be removed. There is no other way given its clear potential for regional harm AND downstream harm. It would be completely irresponsible for EPA, the Department of Energy, our legislators, and others to try to ameliorate this situation in any other way.

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