by Brian Mattix
Host Jamie Allman
Guest: Dawn Chapman
ST. LOUIS (KDNL/The Allman Report) – People who live near the Westlake Landfill near Bridgeton have been voicing concerns over radiation levels there for months. Now, they await the results of an independent analysis of the landfill about to be published in a scientific journal.
Dawn Chapman is part of the group Just Moms STL, which has been pressuring their representatives in Congress to get involved.
A few weeks ago, the entire Congressional delegation representing Missouri and the St. Louis area started a bill to put pressure on the Environmental Protection Agency to do something and be more transparent.
Chapman says the independent study has been completed and will be published soon. She and her neighbors think the results could be what they need to finally get something done.
The landfill, now owned by Republic Services, is the site of nuclear waste disposed from the Manhattan Project. The company, and the EPA say radiation levels are safe and neighbors have nothing to worry about. The US Army Corps of Engineers is in the process of removing radioactive dirt at Coldwater Creek, where runoff from the landfill has been contaminating the creek.
WATCH the Video Clip for the full interview with Dawn Chapman of Just Moms STL on The Westlake Landfill on The Allman Report on ABC 30.