Thank you to our federally elected officials and to Pattonville School District who today joined in with The Pattonville Fire Protection District, The Franciscan Sister of Mary, SSM Healthcare, North County Incorporated, St. Louis County Council, the Cities of St. Louis, Florissant, Black Jack, and Bridgeton who have passed resolutions asking for the West Lake Landfill to be moved to FUSRAP [Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program] and to everyone whose continuing efforts get the word out about the Community’s concerns. You are making a difference.
Pressure on EPA heats up for West Lake landfill Posted: Tuesday, March 4, 2014 1:17 pm By Rebecca Rivas Of The St. Louis American
Lawmakers pressure EPA on landfill issue Brandie Piper, KSDK 7:29 p.m. EST March 4, 2014