EPA to Conduct Additional Sediment Sampling at the West Lake Landfill, 05/26/2016

West Lake Update

The figure included below depicts the locations of the samples taken in January and March as well as the five proposed sampling locations for the current effort.
The figure included below depicts the locations of
the samples taken in January and March as well as
the five proposed sampling locations for the current

In January, the Potentially Responsible Par- ties (PRPs) collected three sediment samples at the West Lake Landfill as part of additional characterization work for Area 1 and Area 2. EPA required two additional sediment samples to be collected in March in response to the large rain events that occurred in late Decem- ber and early January. For both of these sam- pling events, EPA collected a split sample from each location.   Continue reading→


Author: stlradwastelegacy

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