Koster’s Bridgeton Landfill lawsuit back in county court, 04/26/2016

St. Louis Post-Dispatch Jacob Barker A federal judge is sending Missouri Attorney General Chris Koster’s environmental lawsuit against the owner of the Bridgeton Landfill back to St. Louis County Circuit Court. In October, Republic Services, the owner of the burning Bridgeton Landfill and the adjacent…

Newly Formed Group Protests Handling of West Lake Landfill, 04/18/2016

CBS St. Louis by Brett Blume BRIDGETON, Mo. (KMOX) – There’s a new group entering the fray surrounding the underground fire near nuclear waste at the West Lake landfill in Bridgeton. Citing what she calls “deteriorating conditions” at the site, Susan Lorel Folle and her fellow…

STL landfill fire nears collision with radioactive waste: What’s next? 04/18/2016

Occasional Planet by Gloria Shur Bilchik What happens when a landfill fire meets a radioactive waste dump?  St. Louis, Missouri, may be the first metropolitan area to find out. In North St. Louis County, near the St. Louis Airport, and a mile from Pattonville High…

Republic Services Loses Appeal, Must Build Barrier at Westlake Landfill, 04/13/2016

CBS – St. Louis KMOX BRIDGETON (KMOX) – The owners of the burning Bridgeton Landfill lost their appeal of a state order to install a heat extraction barrier in the neck of the landfill, designed to slow the underground fire from reaching buried nuclear waste. The…

AG Koster announces dismissal of Republic Services, Inc.’s appeal over installing heat-extraction cooling loops, 04/13/2016

BREAKING NEWS AG Koster announces dismissal of Republic Services, Inc.’s appeal over installing heat-extraction cooling loops at Bridgeton Landfill April 13, 2016, 4:41 PM Jefferson City, Mo. – Attorney General Chris Koster announced today that the Administrative Hearing Commission has dismissed an appeal of the Missouri…

Ghosts Of Hiroshima Haunt Fuming Landfill Near Ferguson, Missouri, 04/13/2016

Seattle Medium by Josh Peterson Urban News Service By Josh Peterson Urban News Service BRIDGETON, Mo. – Outside Ferguson, Missouri, another issue burns. This time, it’s environmental. An underground fire smolders toward radioactive waste tied to the atomic bombs that leveled Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This…

Update Closure, Post-Closure and Submission of Corrective Action Plans and Financial Service, Bridgeton Sanitary Landfill… 03/16/2016

Missouri Department of Natural Resources Submitted to:  Bridgeton Sanitary Landfill, Republic Services, Inc. Update Closure, Post-Closure and Submission of Corrective Action Plans and Financial Service, Bridgeton Sanitary Landfill, Permit Number 0118912, St. Louis County Excerpt:  

EPA takes half measures to save face on radioactive West Lake Landfill, 04/07/2016

The Examiner by Byron DeLear After the recent revelation of the Environmental Protection Agency“deciding” to remove offsite radwaste at the West Lake Landfill—something they’ve essentially denied existing for years—the beleaguered agency is now grasping at half-measured solutions in its handling of the smoldering, radioactive site. Due to a transfer-bill recently…

Editorial: Stop squabbling and clean up the West Lake Landfill, 04/06/2016

St. Louis Post-Dispatch by the Editorial Board Residents near the West Lake and Bridgeton landfills are finally getting responses from the Environmental Protection Agency to their concerns about living next to a radioactive dumpsite precariously exposed to an advancing underground fire. After leadfooting it for years, the EPA…

Radioactive contamination found on private property next to West Lake Landfill, 04/02/2016

St. Louis Public Radio by Stephanie Lecci The Missouri Department of Natural Resources is confirming that radioactive contamination has been found in soil “on private property” adjacent to the West Lake Landfill in Bridgeton. Data released Friday shows two soil samples have levels of thorium higher than…

EPA says it will remove radioactive dirt on private property adjacent to landfill, 04/01/2016

St. Louis Post-Dispatch by Jacob Barker The Environmental Protection Agency plans to clean up spots of dirt on private property just outside the radioactively contaminated West Lake Landfill. Testing from the Missouri Department of Natural Resources identified radioactive contamination on property beyond the landfill’s perimeter,…

St. Louis’ West Lake Landfill: A Runaway, Ticking, Nuclear Time Bomb That Has Residents Terrified (Pt. 3), 03/31/2016

Enviro News by Josh Cunnings Part 3 of a 15-Part Mini-Series Titled: Nuclear Power in Our World Today http://environews.tv/033116-st-louis-west-lake-landfill-a-runaway-ticking-nuclear-time-bomb/

West Lake Landfill Moms Meet with Head of EPA, 03/30/2016

CBS St. Louis by Kevin Killeen ST. LOUIS (KMOX) – Members of the West Lake Landfill Moms group meet with the head of the EPA in Washington, D.C., calling for a buyout of homes near the landfill, and transfer of the site from the EPA to…

EPA maps extent of West Lake radioactive contamination, 03/24/2016

St. Louis Post-Dispatch by Jacob Barker After almost a year of study, the Environmental Protection Agency says it believes it has completely mapped the extent of radioactive contamination at the West Lake Landfill. The findings come as the agency works to finalize plans for a barrierseparating…

BREAKING NEWS! AG Koster releases statement on new EPA report, 03/24/2016

Jefferson City, Mo. – Attorney General Chris Koster released the following statement on today’s report from the EPA:  “Today’s report confirms that EPA has never had a clear picture of the extent of contamination at the West Lake landfill, and it is deeply concerning that it…