Radioactive site continues to plague St. Louis residents and region, 05/29/2015

Mothers and residents protest inaction at a radioactive landfill in St. Louis County, Missouri. A dangerous underground fire burns next to radioactive waste from the Manhattan Project which successfully built the first working atomic weapons in WWII.

Mothers and residents protest inaction at a radioactive landfill in St. Louis County, Missouri. A dangerous underground fire burns next to radioactive waste from the Manhattan Project which successfully built the first working atomic weapons in WWII.

Just Moms STL

In North Saint Louis County, Missouri, in the City of Bridgeton, there is a ticking time bomb in the form of several contiguous landfills which contain radioactive waste and all the “daughter products” associated with weapons-grade uranium processing. Most notably, the site in question, the West Lake landfill, has the largest concentration in the nation of one of these highly dangerous daughter products.

In a 2013 report entitled, The West Lake Landfill: A Radioactive Legacy of the Nuclear Arms Race, Robert Alvarez states, “Of significance is the fact that the largest estimated amount of Thorium-230, a long-lived, highly radiotoxic element, is present at West Lake — more than any other U.S. nuclear weapons storage or disposal site.”

Author: Moms

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